I'm cognizant of posting too many lists when writing the blog. I think they make a good read every now and then, but getting in the habit is sort of a cop-out when it comes to writing, I think.
That said, when I released "My Least Favorite Things, Part I", I received many responses/requests for certain words that were absent from the posting. Here's the thing, for as long as I can remember, I have had a running list of words that I hate. It gained notoriety in the early 90s and continued to grow. This collection of words that I hate is its own entity. It simply can't be grouped in with reply cards and bananas. "The List", as it is affectionately known, has been the topic of countless conversations. It's funny because people will arbitrarily ask me if a certain word is "on The List".
There is one rule which governs The List and that is, words do not qualify based on definition. They are on there because of the way they sound. For instance, the word "puss" does not make the cut. That's a gimme. Puss is gross so of course, we think the word is gross. That's too easy.
Here is a portion of The List. There isn't enough memory on the computer for me to include all its members.
The List:
1) Cockpit
2) Moist
3) Ointment
4) Slacks
5) Satchel
6) Platter
7) Belly
8) Proctor
9) Bulb
10) Probe
11) Balm
12) Lube
13) Wound
14) Trousers
15) Salve
2 hours ago
I challenge you to use all of these words in one sentence, or maybe a paragraph. A sort of therapy. If you will.