Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Back to Regular Programming

The blog got a three day weekend because I got a migraine yesterday. If I am able to catch the migraine early, just as it is arriving, I can usually cut it off at the pass. Since migraines usually show up for me at about 5 am, getting this timing down can be a challenge. I am usually awakened from my slumber with what feels like an ice pick impaling my skull. Sort of like this, only bigger:

This is a debilitating and excruciating affliction and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy; a pretty powerful statement coming from me. If you've never had one, consider yourself lucky. If you do fall victim to the migraine demon, I think you'll agree that my description is not an exaggeration.

In other news, the peanut butter scare has begun to freak me out so when I went to the grocery store this weekend, I made alternate plans and purchased some almond butter.
I wasn't sure what to expect. I love almonds so I thought it couldn't be too much of a risk. I was correct. It's not a huge departure from peanut butter and it saved me the stress of wondering if I had just ingested some tainted peanuts with my Thomas's Whole Grain English Muffin. If you find yourself a bit wary of peanuts these days while craving the same satisfaction from a protein packed spread, I highly recommend this product:

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