Apologies for the MIA status of the blog. Life got in the way last week so I was on radio silence. I'd love for the blog to be my first priority but until I find a way for it (or other writings) to pay the bills, the blog remains one of those things I have to take "One Day at a Time". Maybe I should name the blog Schneider. Or Bill Wilson.
I spent a quiet weekend being both cozy AND single. I threw it into complete OCD mode on Sunday and scoured my apartment from top to bottom. Any unsuspecting pedestrian who would have wandered in at around 11 am would have thought a family of eight lived in #16303 just by the piles of laundry. I did four loads. Four loads of laundry. Clearly I have more clothes than I realized. Thanks to the Gables Grandview for providing me with that brand new full sized washer and dryer. Renting DOES have its benefits.
I also went to the grocery store and Blockbuster where I rented Sex and the City, the movie. While I knew I was a little bit behind on my flick watching, I had no idea HOW far behind until the clerk at Blockbuster gasped when I confessed to him it was the first time I was watching Sex and the City, the movie. The same "in the know" clerk also asked me if the apparatus on my key chain which opens my garage and is named, "Liftmaster" was used to lift things like couches or "anything else heavy which I may need lifted". Skippy, I wish the "Liftmaster" did have that capability. If it did, you'd be lifted right out of Blockbuster.
2 hours ago
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