As I've mentioned, I have an enormous fascination with houses and homes. From the architectural to the decor, I am drawn to all of the nuances surrounding this aspect of the domestic. I recall as a little girl, riding in the back seat of my parents' car at night, peering through the car window and into the homes of unsuspecting families who had left their window treatments open. As I grew older, this interest stuck with me and in college, my friends and I would load up in my car and drive through the nicer parts of town and look at stately homes as well as the quaint cottages, for no other purpose than to "browse".
It wasn't that I was trying to "spy" on people. I think I was interested to see how people decorated their homes and what sorts of activities were going on. Even the most mundane; people getting up from a dinner table or playing Parcheesi on the coffee table translated to something cozy for me. To this day it is difficult for me to pinpoint from where this "hobby" stems, but it's become one of may favorites.
I was completely vindicated when I moved to Old Town, Alexandria, Virginia in the 1990s and was re energized in my interest when I returned to the area in 2000. Imagine my utter glee when I learned that the residents of this colonial mini-urban locale deliberately left their plantation shutters and silk drapes open so that passers-by could view their wears. An intentional peep show! Admission: FREE! Talk about a dream come true. These houses would sit up like trained circus ponies, just screaming for attention and praise. I can't say for sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere, in the Southern quadrant of Old Town there is a nose print of mine suctioned to someone's circa 1790 beveled glass window pane.
Now that I have moved back to Texas and am living in a less aesthetically pleasing venue for this past time, I have managed to find a way to still indulge. I live in an apartment complex. It's fairly large by apartment complex standards and while the scenery is amazing, it's not Old Town, Alexandria, Virginia, which was a proverbial hobby shop for the house stalker.
My best bud, Thomas, and I like to take walks in the evenings. In the Spring and Summer, we usually end up doing this during twilight, which is a great time for a walk. BUT, during the Autumn and Winter months, when it is already dark after work, Thomas and I suit up and take our strolls after the sun has gone down. This hobby is so much more fun to do with someone else, especially when that other party is always up for a walk and doesn't make you feel like a total creep for looking in other people's apartments to see what is going on inside. In fact, Thomas actually has gotten to where he enjoys the jaunt around the complex and he has developed a personal affection for certain aspects of this activity, as well. He's become overly excited about this nightly routine and part of me is concerned he is going to get busted due to lack of subtlety. I try to remind him that we need to maintain a certain distance from these abodes and not be too obvious, but he is generally so excited about the excursion, he doesn't understand this. So, we're trying to find a balance, Thomas and I.
For those of you who haven't met the potential, perp, Thomas, here is a mug shot, which I am worried is going to end up in the paper in the criminal section if he doesn't work on using a little discretion.

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