Disclaimer: At the end of this posting, you will not be given the keys to a new car, an all expense paid trip to Bora Bora for your entire family, or a new wardrobe.
Since Oprah has made "favorite things" synonymous with "free loot" I felt that I needed to nip a potential riot of Rodney King proportion in the bud.
I debated back and forth about whether or not to post a "Favorite Things" entry on the blog. On the one hand, it seems so cliche and yet, I find that when I read people's blogs and they have a posting of their favorite things, I thoroughly enjoy the read. Not sure why. I think it's because it gives me fresh ideas of new things to try. In any event, here is the first supplement of my list of favorite things, in no particular order. I hope you enjoy it, despite not receiving any freebies at the end. Sometimes the Pavlovian can be so cruel.
1) Crew neck sweaters
2) The smell of ground beef and onions heating in a pot on the stove
3) The Cocktails and Hors D'oeuvres part of a dinner party
4) Twilight
5) Being able to see the steam emitting from my cup of coffee in my kitchen in the morning
6) Warm sheets and towels just out of the dryer
7) Arriving at my destination and turning off the ignition of my car just as the current song on the radio is ending
8)Perfectly made beds - crisp, deliberate, and both inviting and intimidating at the same time
9) Cottages
10) Being the proud owner of the first bag to arrive at the baggage claim carousel
11)The "auto" feature on my coffee pot
12) Organza
13) Ribbons (NOT bows...RIBBONS)
14) Free samples
15) Frameless mirrors
16) Grosgrain
17) Chinese food eaten out of traditional Chinese take-out cartons with chopsticks
18) Monograms
19) Fine stationary
20) Crispy beef tacos
2 hours ago
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