Yesterday was my 36th birthday. I don't really take issue with birthdays on either end. I don't dread them and I don't start planning my own party six months out, either. If anything, birthdays make me contemplative and reflective and nostalgic. I don't pace my apartment singing, "Where Have All The Flowers Gone" or anything, but birthdays do give me pause. For starters, birthdays are a great example of "life doesn't turn out the way you plan it". Again, this is not a negative, it is just a fact. I have a good life, cozy and single, and am blessed. That doesn't mean, however, that this was the picture I envisioned when I thought of "where will you be at 36".
Like everyone, I have regrets in my life. There are some things that, if given the chance, I would do differently. As a result, I may be in a different place at 36. I can't undo these things so I often find myself pondering the preceding years and what they have meant to me. The good, the bad, and the ugly. It's a good mental cleansing and it usually ends by the dawn of March 13th.
In other news, I received what may have been the MOST peculiar birthday card in birthday card history. It's so "out there" I am tempted give Hallmark a call. At first glance, it seemed fairly typical. Pastel drawing of a cake with whimsical lettering. The message inside is what totally threw me. "Happy Birthday, Gretchen. I didn't make you a cake or cupcakes even though I planned to. Have a great day".
Okay, I don't need a ticker tape parade through downtown on my birthday. I tend to fly slightly below the radar and am not one for the whole, "center of attention" thing. But this card is like nothing I have ever seen. What do you do with that? In my case, I turn it into blog material. But seriously, how do you respond that? Does that fall into the "it's the thought that counts" category? Do you thank the person for the card and some how skim over the "I thought about you but thought better of it" bit? Talk about a good idea gone bad. I don't think the cake or cupcakes or lack thereof would have really phased me...until it was called to my attention...ON MY BIRTHDAY CARD.
Finally, a devoted reader is completely appalled that I did not have any birthday cake yesterday. So, this weekend I have promised her that I will procure a birthday cake (or cupcakes) complete with candle and have a full-on "Happy Birthday to You" singing ceremony. I will report back on Monday with the results.
I see that you did NOT report back on your happy birthday singing event. I can only speculate what happened. Three options: 1) You headed for the cupcake aisle but never got passed the displays of beer and... well... 2) You held the sing-along for yourself and found it so wonderful that you are still singing... or 3) Several friends came over and showered you with the love and attention you richly deserve... ending with a book-signing contract for the first edition of "The Snug and Single Life" -- soon to be a best-seller. Hey, Happy Birthday to Gretchen from Brandsinger!