I went to a surprise party on Saturday night for a good friend. He turned 40 about a week ago and his wife decided that it would be great to not only plan a surprise party for him, but do it a week after his actual birthday so it would definitely be unexpected. The plan went off without a hitch and the party was a complete success. Patrick had NO clue this was in the works and his reaction was priceless.
This got me thinking about surprise parties. I continue to be, well, surprised, that this form of celebration still "takes". We've all been to a surprise party, many of us have probably been the the guest of honor at a surprise party, and a good number have more than likely hosted a surprise party. It's not like the surprise party is a rare event, yet, I always find it interesting how these events seem to stand the test of time and continue to produce the desired reaction.
It's as if birthdays humble us a bit and we never think that WE could be on the receiving end of a surprise party. The irony there is, everyone expects to be the center of attention on their birthday so you'd THINK it would be harder and harder to pull off a surprise party with the 100% desired impact. Doesn't seem to be the case. I'm a perfect example of this theory. I was completely blindsided on my 35th birthday. When I Monday Morning Quarterback the scenario, I guess it seems like there were SOME signs, but I would have had to have been a super sleuth to have read between the lines on that one. It never once occurred to me that any sort of party was in the works and as a result, I didn't have any clue until I walked into the restaurant and saw a long table full of family and friends all waiting to utter that one word that indicates the plan was not foiled, "SURPRISE!"
Whatever the reason, I love that surprise parties haven't been shelved. Nothing is a surprise anymore, it seems; what with all the technology and transparency of everyday life. In our "need to know and need to know NOW" society, the unplanned and the unscripted seem so distant and with that is lost the joy of raw emotion. Some things just can't be planned and watching Patrick's reaction made me remember that. Surprise parties remind me of the whimsy of life and how some of the greatest joys can be found in the truly unexpected.
2 hours ago